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  • 整体说明:

    动画名称:小皮大世界 英文版1-5季
    其他名称:PP鸡仔和整个儿世界 / 小鸟趣事多
    英文名称:Peep and the Big Wide World
    动画语言:英语发音 无字幕
    动画类型:喜剧 | 冒险 | 益智


    本资源是STEAM英语动画片《Peep and the Big Wide World 小皮大世界》1-5季的视频下载,第一季42集、第二季26集、第三季12集、第四季10集、第五季4集、动画共94集,每集播放时长约11分钟左右,资源总大小7.88G,mp4标清480p分辨率,英语发音、无字幕,百度云网盘下载,适合2-6岁的学龄前儿童观看。

    《小皮大世界 Peep and the Big Wide World》是针对2-6岁儿童培养科学探索精神及好奇心而专门制作的STEAM教育动画。池塘里、废弃的罐头盒和树丛中住着一只自以为是的蓝色小鸭-胖克、一只心地善良的黄色小鸡-小皮,和一只精明有智慧的红色知更鸟-小布。三个性格不同但感情要好的朋友每天都会遇到很多新奇有趣的事情,每当遇到困难时,三个要好的朋友都会团结起来一起去克服。在解决问题的同时,小皮、胖克和小布也学习到了很多新的知识,体验到了许多快乐。口号:跟着小皮去探险,每天都当小小科学家。



    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E01-Spring Thing
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E02-Springy Thingy
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E03-A Ducks Tale
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E04-Quacks Tracks
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E05-Quack and the Very Big Rock
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E06-Shadow Play
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E07-Current Events
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E09-Night Light
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E10-Sounds Like.
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E11-The Windy Day
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E12-Peep Feet
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E14-Peep Crosses the Road
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E16-Peeps in Rabbitland
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E17-Quacks Stuck Stick
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E18-Peeps Can
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E19-Under Duck
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E20-All Fall Down
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E21-The Perils of Peep and Chirp
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E24-The Red Ballmoon
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E25-Chirp Builds a Nest
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E26-Stuck Duck
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E27-The Real Decoy
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E28-Peeps Lost Leaf
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E29-Birds of a Feather
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E30-The Incredible Shrinking Duck
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E31-Go West Young Peep
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E32-A Delicate Balance
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E33-The Fish Museum
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E34-Peeps Night Out
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E35-Theres No Place Like Home
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E36-Flipping Newton
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E37-Chirps Flight Program
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E38-Mirror, Mirror in the Dump
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E39-Bridge the Gap
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E43-Hide and Go Peep
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E45-Thats a Cat
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E47-Quack Hatches an Egg
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E48-The Whatchamacallit
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E49-Wandering Beaver
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E50-Peeps New Friend
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E51-The Trip to Green Island
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S01E52-Give Me a Call
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E01-Finders, Keepers
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E02-Quack Quiets the Universe
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E03-Peeps Moon Mission
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E04-The Many Moons of Quack the Duck
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E05-The Mystery of the Thing That Went and Came Back
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E06-Peeps Color Quest
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E07-Reflection Affection
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E08-Peep Deep in the Big Muddy
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E09-Snow Daze
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E10-Peep Prints
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E11-Dry Duck, Part 1
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E12-Dry Duck, Part 2
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E13-Count Them Out
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E14-Flower Shower
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E15-Quack, Quack
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E16-One Duck Two Many
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E17-Chirp Sorts it Out (sort of)
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E18-Hear Here
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E19-Who Stole the Big Wide World
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E20-MUD Spells Trouble
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E21-Finding Time
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E22-Smaller Than a Peep
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E23-Stick With Me
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E24-Tree Feller
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E25-A Daring Duck
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S02E26-The Trouble With Bubbles
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E01-The Sounds of Silence, Part 1
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E02-The Sounds of Silence, Part 2
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E03-The Tooth, the Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E04-The Winter of Quacks Discontent
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E05-Nosing Around
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E06-The Last Straw
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E09-In a Bind
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E10-Star Light, Star Bright
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E13-Bedtime Story
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E14-The Deep Duck Woods
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E17-Marble Mover
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S03E18-Fair Shares
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E01-The Lurmies are Coming
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E02-Quacks Square Deal
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E03-An Inconvenient Tooth, Part 1
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E04-An Inconvenient Tooth, Part 2
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E05-Bringing Spring
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E06-Quacks Pond Party
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E07-You Can Count on Bunnies
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E08-Falling Feathers
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E09-Magic Duck Dancing
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S04E10-Chirp, Chirp, Tweet, Tweet, Chirp
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S05E03-The Road Not Taken Part 2
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S05E04-The Road Not Taken Part 1
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S05E05-Soap Opera
    Peep and the Big Wide World, S05E06-Diva Duck

    0 评论

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