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    英文名称:The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That
    动画语言:英文发音 无字幕


    The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 万事通戴帽子的猫简介

    动画片《The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 万事通戴帽子的猫》改编自世界儿童文学作家苏斯博士的名著《戴帽子的猫》,苏斯博士1957年出版的《戴高帽子的猫》一书只用了236个单词,这在读者中引起了巨大反响,也因此对儿童读本造成了革命性的影响。苏斯博士的书在美国童书常销书排行榜上长期位居前列,而且他创作的这些帮助儿童学习语言的图画故事书被美国教育部制定为阅读辅导读物。苏斯博士的作品蕴涵着先进的人文精神和教育理念,不但能够极大地丰富儿童的想象,启迪儿童的智慧,提高儿童的阅读和作文水平,而且也能帮助教师和家长理解儿童的独特思维世界。动画系列秉承原著探索自然的精神,同时教导孩子们关于词汇和生活中必须的技巧等常识。

    《万事通戴帽子的猫》自2010年在美国PBS Kids频道以及英国、加拿大等电视台首播,到目前已播出2季58集。每集26分钟左右,适合4-7岁的小朋友观看。

    万事通戴帽子的猫The cat in the hat knows a lot about that从语速来讲,比神奇校车The magic school bus要简单,比西德科学小子Sid the Science也要简单一些,而且,万事通戴帽子的猫The cat in the hat knows a lot about that也有同一系列的绘本可以作为动画片之后的拓展读物,因此,如果爸爸妈妈想让孩子接触科普类的动画片,建议可以先从万事通戴帽子的猫The cat in the hat knows a lot about that看起,然后是西德科学小子Sid the Science或神奇校车The magic school bus。

    The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 万事通戴帽子的猫剧情


    The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 万事通戴帽子的猫动画剧集目录

    The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 万事通戴帽子的猫第一季
    The Cat in the Hat S01E01 Show Me the Honey – Migration Vacation.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E02 I Love the Nightlife – Oh, Give Me a Home.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E03 Many Ants Make Light Work – Nest Best Thing.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E04 A Plan for Sand – Whale Music.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E05 Flower Power – Snowman s Land.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E06 Dress Up Day – Bathtime.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E07 Trees Company – Now You See Me.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E08 Rain Game – No S – S – Sweater is Better.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E09 A Tale About Tails – Sticky Situation.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E10 Night Lights – Go, Snails, Go!.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E11 Flight of the Penguin – Let s Go Fly a Kite.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E12 You Should Be Dancing – Batty for Bats.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E13 Maps – Termite Towers.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E14 The Lost Egg – Hold On Tight.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E15 Jump! – Slow Down for Sloths.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E16 Chasing Rainbows – Follow the Prints.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E17 Reindeer Games – Along Came a Spider.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E18 A Long Winter s Nap – The Tree Doctor.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E19 Pick Your Friends – Finola s Farm.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E20 Incredible Journey – Bamboozled.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E21 A Teeny Tiny Adventure – I See Seeds.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E22 Thump! – Squirreled Away.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E23 Surprise, Surprise! – A Howling Good Time.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E24 Secret Super Digger – Pucker Up and Blow.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E25 Sniff and Seek – Aye Aye!.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E26 Trick or Treat – King Cecil the Seahorse.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E27 Blue Feet Are Neat! – Reef Magic.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E28 Digging the Deep – Puddle Puzzle.avi
    The Cat in the Hat S01E29 Help With Kelp – Treetop Tom.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E30 Minnie the Meerkat – Leaves.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E31 Hooray for Hair – Ice Is Nice.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E32 Be Cool – Elephant Walk.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E33 A Sweet Deal – King of Swing.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E34 Spring and Summer – Fall and Winter.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E35 When I Grow Up – Doing It Differently.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E36 Super Cleaner Uppers – Itty Bitty Water.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E37 Amazing Eyes – Water Walkers.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E38 Flutter By Butterfly – Pretty in Pink.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E39 Stripy Safari – Wool.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S01E40 Big Cats – Fantastic Flour.mp4

    The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 万事通戴帽子的猫第二季
    The Cat in the Hat S02E01 Jumping on the Moon – Sneezy Riders.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E02 No Night Today – Funin the Sun.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E03 Bounce – Timmy Tippy Toe.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E04 Inside Out – Hear Here.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E05 Meet The Beetles – Tongue Tied.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E06 Manatees and Mermaids – The Last Chocolate.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E07 Tough Enough – How Cool Is Coral.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E08 Rumbly Tumbly – Planet Name Game.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E09 Top of the Sky – Jiggle Bones.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E10 Babies – Fast.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E11 Little Lemmings – Keep The Beat.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E12 Gorillas in the Nest – Tale of a Dragon.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E13 Wrappers Delight – Dive Swim Scoop.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E14 Paper Chase – A Polar Adventure.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E15 Step This Way – Anything You Can Do.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E16 Name That Sound – Fabulous Feathers.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E17 Balancing Act – Marvelous Marbles.mp4
    The Cat in the Hat S02E18 Take A Walk – Cotton Patch.mp4

    The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 万事通戴帽子的猫特别收录
    The Cat In The Hat 2011 Up And Away.avi
    The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Christmas 2013 480p x264.mkv

    0 评论

    1. 囡囡最大爱这个了,非常感谢!

    2. 第一次看到这部资源,从介绍来看应该很很好啊,下载来给孩子看看

    3. 这么好的视频资源,必须要赞赏啊~

    4. 我家小孩爱了这个,挺好的

    5. 这么好的学习资源,不下载都对不起店家,下了!!~ 确实还行

    6. 这个教程真很好 不错,心水 给娃娃下载一个看看?

    7. 皮卡布早教真是一个好地方哦,可以不错,希望学习资源越来越多!

    8. 挺好的,我家孩子喜爱这个,下载一个看看

    9. 我了勒个去,点赞支持! 我家孩子真心心水这个了,终于找到了 先下载看看,回复下 very good 好多动画视频资源哈~~这下有的看了 呵呵。

    10. 我了勒个去,点赞支持! 三克油同享,感谢分享,辛苦了 希望皮卡布早教越办越好~

    11. 终于找到了,感激发布者分享~

    12. 网站很绝妙,希望网盘资源越来越多! very good 好棒的资源,三克油同享者分享 给孩子下载一个看看
