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    视频语言:英文发音 英文字幕
    视频类型:音乐动画 | 英文儿歌动画


    VIPKID是一家在线少儿英语教育公司,专注于4-12岁在线少儿英语教育,提供北美外教1对1在线学科英语课程。旨在为中国孩子带去最纯正的英语语言学习及美式教育。在VIPKID,除了语言我们同样注重培养孩子的创造力,表达力,以及独立思考的能力。VIPKID希望能够帮孩子插上语言的翅膀,自由行走于这个星球。VIPKID从最基本的自然拼读教起,实现从 “Learn to Read” 到 “Read to Learn” 的跨越,目前开设了包括 Language Arts、Social Study 等课程,同时通过中国学生的特点进行本土化,旨在用这种方式培养学生学习更多知识的能力,同时学到语言背后的文化。


    本资源是VipKid 宝宝加油系列1-3级的儿童英文儿歌动画+英文对话动画,共有108个视频,mp4高清720p分辨率,英语发音英文字幕;另外此资源还包含VipKid等级3的课程图片。


    VIPKID 课前预习+一对一主课 英语视频课程共190集下载


    宝宝加油 01系列.ABC Alphabet & Words 字母和单词
    A is for Alligator, Ant, Apple – Letter A – Alphabet Song _ Learning english for kids
    ABC Song 1 – Alphabet Song – English song for Kids – Sing along
    ABC Song 2 – Alphabet Song – English song for Kids – Sing along
    ABC Song 3 – Alphabet Song – English song for Kids – Sing along
    Alphabet Song – Letter A to Z – Upper Case (Capital letter) _ Learning English for kids
    alphabet song – letter a to z – lower case (small letter) _ Learning English for kids
    B is for Bat, Bell, Bus – Letter B – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    C is for Cap, Car, Cat – Letter C – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Color Song – Learn colors for kids – Teach colors in English – Preschool, Kindergarten
    D is for Dog, Doll, Drum – Letter D – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-ot-Iv
    E is for Egg, Elephant, Elevator – Letter E – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Easy Words 1 (Act Song) – Learn English vocabulary for kids – English song for Toddlers
    Easy Words 2 (Animal Song) – Learn English vocabulary for kids – English song for Toddlers
    Easy Words 3 (Food Song) – Learn English vocabulary for kids – English song for Toddlers
    Easy Words 4 (Sports Song) – Learn English vocabulary for kids – English song for Toddlers
    Easy Words 5 (Stationery Song) – Learn English vocabulary for kids – English song for Toddlers
    F is for Fish, Fox, Frog – Letter F – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    G is for Girl, Gorilla, Grapes – Letter G – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    H is for Hat, Horse, House – Letter H – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    I is for Ice cream, Igloo, Ink – Letter I – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    J is for Jacket, Jam, Jet – Letter J – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    K is for Kangaroo, Key, Kite –  Letter K – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    L is for Lamp, Lemon, Lion – Letter L – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Lets Write – Alphabet A to Z – How to Write abc for kids
    Lets Write – Cursive Writing – Alphabet A to Z – How to Write abc for kids
    M is for Mask, Mop, Mouse – Letter  M – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    N is for Nest, Noodles, Nut – Letter N – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Number Song – 123 Song – Counting  1 to 10 , 11 to 20, 10 to 100, 1 to 100 –  Learn number for kids
    O is for Octopus, Orange, Ostrich – Letter O – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    P is for Panda, Pen, Pig – Letter P – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Q is for Queen, Question, Quilt – Letter Q – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    R is for Rabbit, Red, Robot – Letter R – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    S is for Six, Snake, Sun – Letter S – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Shape Song – English Kids Song – Learn about Shapes – Kindergarten Educational Song
    Sports Song – Educational Children Song – Learning English Sports for Kids
    T is for Top, Tree, Turtle – Letter T – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Transportation Song – Vehicle Song – Cars, Boats, Trains, Planes – Kids English Learning
    U is for Umbrella, Unicorn, Up – Letter U – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    V is for Van, Vase, Violin – Letter V – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    W is for Watch, Wig, Window – Letter W – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    X is for Xray, Xylophone – Letter X – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Y is for Yacht, Yarn, Yo-yo – Letter Y – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids
    Z is for Zebra, Zero, Zoo – Letter Z – Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids

    宝宝加油 02系列.Alien Bobs Crew 基于说唱形式
    #0 Prologue – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #1 Ready ready! – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #2 Go straight – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #3 Hello! – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #4 Sorry, stop it! – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #5 Are you okay – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #6 Hows the weather – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #7 Harder, faster, better! – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #8 Homesick – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #9 Im a policeman – English animation music video – Allien Bobs Crew
    #10 Whats she doing – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crewn
    #11 To the Zoo! – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #12 Your Talent – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #13 Look at the sky! – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #14 What day – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #15 Dont do that! – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew
    #16 Girls Girls – English animation music video – Alien Bobs Crew

    宝宝加油 03系列.Basic Dialogue (for Beginners) 基本对话(适合初学者) 174分钟 48节课程
    Lesson 1_(A)How old are you – How old – Age – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 1_(B)How old are you – How old – Age – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 2_(A)Whats that – What – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 2_(B)Whats that – What – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 3_(A)Nice to meet you. – Greeting – Introducing – Cartoon Story – English Education
    Lesson 3_(B)Nice to meet you. – Cartoon Story – Greeting – Introducing – English Education
    Lesson 4_(A)Is this your doll – Is this yours – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 4_(B)Is this your bike – Is this yours – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 5_(A)Who is this – Who – Introducing – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 5_(B)Who is this Who – Introducing – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 6_(A)Im hungry – Have some cake – At the table – Cartoon Story – English Education
    Lesson 6_(B)Im hungry – Have some cake – At the table – Cartoon Story – English Education
    Lesson 7_(A)Wheres my dog – In On Under – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 7_(B)Wheres my dog – In On Under – Cartoon Story – English Education – for kids
    Lesson 8_(A)Come here, Mary. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 8_(B)Come here. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 9_(A)What time is it – Time – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 9_(B)What time is it – Time – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 10_(A)Wash your face. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 10_(B)Brush your teeth _ hair. – Cartoon Story – English Education – conversation for kids
    Lesson 11_(A)What is it – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 11_(B)What is it – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 12_(A)I need a ruler. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 12_(B)I need a ruler. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 13_(A)Who is she – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 13_(B)Who is she – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 14_(A)Who is he – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 14_(B)Who is he – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 15_(A)Do you have a pet – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 15_(B)Do you have a pet – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 16_(A)I can draw a ship. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation   for kids
    Lesson 16_(B)I can draw a car. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for  kids
    Lesson 17_(A)Lets play baseball. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 17_(B)Lets play baseball. – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 18_(A)Do you have a glove – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 18_(B)Do you have a ball – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 19_(A)Whats wrong – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 19_(B)Whats wrong – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 20_(A)Whose bike is this – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 20_(B)Whose ball is this – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 21_(A)Do you want shoes – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 21_(B)Do you want shoes – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 22_(A)May I help you – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 22_(B)May I help you – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 23_(A)What color do you like – Cartoon Story – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 23_(B)What color do you like – Cartoon Story – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 24_(A)Are you OK – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids
    Lesson 24_(B)Are you OK – Cartoon Story – English Education – Easy conversation for kids

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